Apricot and Cardamom Sherbet

Makes 800ml

Takes 20 minutes plus chilling and freezing

A sherbet uses full fat milk rather than cream, but we can’t detect any lack of flavour or creaminess because of it. The cardamom adds a subtle background spice, whilst foregrounding the apricot’s sweet/sharp flavour. The sugar is a bit of a moveable feast, as the sweetness of ripe apricots vary significantly for year to year. This recipe veers towards the less sweet ice cream, so you may need to add more sugar. You’ll need a blender for this recipe

600g fresh ripe apricots, rinsed, halved and stoned

3 cardamom pods, lightly crushed – you don’t want all of the seeds to be released

250ml full fat milk

100g caster sugar (you may need to add more)

125ml water

a good squeeze of lemon juice

  • Put the sugar and water in a medium sized saucepan, and heat through until the sugar has dissolved. Add the apricots and cardamom, and bring to the boil. Cook gently with the lid on for 8-10 minutes, until the fruit is completely falling apart. Add the lemon juice, and check for sweetness. Allow to cool

  • Once cool, remove the cardamom pods. Blitz the apricots until very smooth. Stir in the milk and do one last check for sweetness. Freeze or use an ice cream maker