
Serves 4

Take 15 minutes

A wonderful Scottish dessert, fruity, creamy and luxurious, that is incredibly simple to make. Many thanks to Roger and Gussie for the recipe

40g medium oatmeal or rolled (porridge) oats briefly blitzed in a blender to make finer

200g raspberries

400 ml double cream

2 tbsp runny honey

2 tbsp whisky (a fairly innocuous blend)

  • Scatter the oats onto a baking sheet and put under a hot grill until they start to colour and smell nutty.

  • Mash half of the raspberries with a fork

  • Whip the cream until thick, then add the honey and whisky. Adjust sweetness if necessary.

  • When ready to serve, fold the mashed and whole raspberries into the cream mix. Put a thin layer of oats on the bottom of each serving dish, put two tablespoons of the raspberry and cream mix on top, then sprinkle with more oats. Alternatively, do the same with a big serving dish