Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Serves 4 generously

Takes 20 mins preparation, plus freezing/churning time

Inspired by a lovely dessert in a local restaurant, Nik, who normally doesn’t do desserts, made this, and got it right first time! It's rich and caramelly with the odd sounding addition of the salt making it all the more flavoursome. Two points to remember; it has to be refined white sugar, if you used unrefined, it'll burn before it's completely melted. And make sure you have all your ingredients weighed out and ready to go in containers, as you do need to move quickly when adding the cream and milk to the melted sugar

The caramel:-

140g white caster sugar

225ml double cream

150ml semi-skimmed milk

The sabayon:-

4 egg yolks

30g white caster sugar

½ tsp Maldon sea salt

To make the caramel:-

  • Place a medium sized heavy bottomed pan on the stove to heat. Once hot, put 140g of caster sugar into the pan. Heat, shaking the pan occasionally until the sugar melts to a good caramel colour. Turn the heat down a bit, then very carefully, very slowly add the double cream, whisking vigorously as you do (it helps if there are two of you). The sugar will foam up as you do, be very careful not to splash it on yourself, as it is very hot. Bring back to a gentle simmer, and carefully whisk in the milk. Take off the heat, and set aside

To make the sabayon:-

  • In a separate bowl whisk the egg yolks and 30g of caster sugar until pale and mousse-like

  • Slowly pour the hot caramel on to the sabayon, whisking as you do. Stir in the salt, then leave aside to cool for an hour. Pour into your ice cream machine, and follow its instructions; as a guideline our ice cream machine took 60 minutes, but your ice cream machine might be different. We still had to put it into the freezer afterwards to finish it off. If you’re making it in the freezer, pour it into a plastic container and freeze, whisking occasionally so as to break up any large ice crystals