
Serves as many as you like (see below)

Takes 10 mins.

This is a classic Elizabeth David recipe, which is a great pudding to create in an emergency if you have eggs and some booze to hand. It’s meant to be made with Marsala, which creates a lovely comforting frothy pudding. We’ve also made it with champagne or cava, which makes it much more bubbly and less sweet.

For each person allow:

2 egg yolks

2 tsps caster sugar

3 tbsps of Marsala or Cava

  • In a heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until pale and frothy

  • In the meantime bring a large pan of boiling water to the boil. Reduce heat and place the bowl of egg mixture over the barely simmering water. Stir in the Marsala or Cava. Continue to whisk briskly until the mixture thickens and holds its consistency (generally 3-5 minutes for smaller quantities). Serve in wineglasses or champagne coupes immediately