Butter Beans in Cider

Serves 8 as a side dish, 4-6 as a main meal.

Takes 90 minutes + 6 hours soaking time

This is great on its own, and also goes well with beef dishes. It's a recipe that you can’t really cheat by using tinned beans - this is slow food, and the flavours develop through the slow cooking. As far as its vegan status goes, it's worth bearing in mind that not all ciders are vegan. There's a list here that should help.

250g dried butterbeans, soaked for at least 6 hours, then drained

Large sprig of fresh thyme

500ml dry cider

1 litre of Vegetable Nage or Stock

1 large onion finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped (optional)

40g of celeriac, finely chopped

40g carrots, finely chopped

1 star anise

20g curly leaf parsley. Finely chop both stalks and leaves but keep separate.

Soy sauce

Olive oil

  • In a large pan or wok, gently fry the onions in olive oil for about 7 mins

  • Add the garlic, celeriac, carrots, parsley stalks and star anise, and cook for a further 5 minutes

  • Add 250ml cider, and 500ml vegetable nage, butterbeans, and thyme, and bring to the boil. Don’t add salt at this stage, as it can cause the skin on the beans to go tough and leathery

  • Simmer slowly with the pan lid slightly ajar for about an hour adding cider and stock as needed. This simultaneously cooks the beans and reduces the sauce. The aim is to create a thick juicy sauce, with well cooked beans.

  • Remove thyme sprig. Add 3-4 splashes of soy sauce, and check seasoning. Sprinkle with chopped parley leaves and serve