Creamy Winter Vegetables

Serves 2 as main meal, 4 as a side dish.

Takes 20-30 minutes

This recipe is like a slowed down version of a stir fry, with a northern European rather than Asian emphasis. It's quite decadent on the cream and butter front, but this is part of what makes the simple seasonal vegetables seem special (and a cheap form of comfort food). The ham or pancetta adds flavour, but is optional

200g carrots, peeled and cut into 1 cm dice

200g celeriac, peeled and cut into 1cm dice

1/4 medium sized Savoy cabbage, shredded finely

100 ml double cream or cashew nut cream

2 – 3 slices of Parma ham or pancetta, cut into thin strips (optional) or a pinch or two of smoked paprika

25 g butter or replace with similar amount of light oil

salt and pepper

  • In a large frying pan or wok melt the butter and gently fry the ham for a minute (if using)

  • Add the celeriac and carrot and cook gently, stirring well to stop anything sticking until they are cooked to al dente. (Add a dot more more oil/ butter if anything is sticking). This usually takes around 15 minutes

  • Add the cabbage to the pan. Continue cooking for 3 - 4 minutes until the cabbage is softened through

  • Add the double cream . Cook for another 1 - 2 minutes until the vegetables have partly absorbed the cream, and are firm but fully cooked through. Season to taste and serve on a chilly winter's night