Roast Apricot and Elderflower Frozen Yoghurt

Makes 1.5 litres

Takes 30 minutes plus minimum of 6 hours freezing time

I was inspired to make this recipe as I had a few ripe apricots (the ones that the birds missed), some home-made elderflower cordial and honey from the hives – so at least some of the ingredients had zero transportation miles. It really has complex flavours - the yogurt ensures that it isn’t too sweet and balances against the honey and cordial. This truly is a no-churn recipe - the first time I made it I used an ice cream maker and managed to make apricot butter gelato  instead. Ooops. 


400g apricots, halved, stones removed

5 tbsp clear honey

225g thick Greek-style yogurt

6 ½ tbsp elderflower cordial

450 ml double cream

Toasted almond flakes to serve