Peruvian Baked Sweet Potatoes

Serves 4

Takes 70 minutes

We’ve been meaning to bake sweet potatoes for ages, but haven’t found much inspiration about flavour combinations. We remembered our tiger milk scallop recipe and how sweet/sour works well, particularly when passionfruit is involved. This recipe is the outcome of that experiment rocking Latin American flavours; the lush, near-fruity taste of the sweet potatoes goes incredibly well with that perfectly balanced sweet/sour dressing. This is a viable weekday dish as you have a window of 40 minutes between making the dressing/putting the potatoes in the oven, when you can get on with other things. It elevates a humble dish into some very special. We normally cook double the amount and take it in to lunch the next day.

4 medium sized sweet potatoes

70g feta cheese, crumbled (or vegan equivalent)

Handful of walnuts or Brazil nuts, toasted and finely chopped


1 heaped tbsp crème fraiche + a little milk/water to let it down (or vegan equivalent)

Juice of 1 passionfruit, seeds removed

½ de arbol chilli finely chopped

1 tbsp finely chopped chives

1-2 teasp lime juice + zest of lime

Salt and pepper

To serve, finely shredded iceberg lettuce

  • Switch the oven to 200C. Using a fork, prick the potatoes all over, so they don’t explode. Place on a baking sheet (ideally silicone) and bake for 50-60 minutes until completely soft. Allow to cool slight, then cut in half and ‘pop out’ the sweet potato flesh, leaving it and the skin intact, and keep warm

  • The minute that the potatoes are in the oven, combine the dressing ingredients as they need time to meld their flavours. The result should be fairly tart to counteract the sweetness of the potatoes

  • Return the potato skins back into the baking tray, interior side up, and grill until slightly charred but not burned. Keep a very close eye on this as normally takes 3-4 minutes. Remove from grill, and when cooled slightly, cut into tortilla chip sized triangles

  • To serve, place the sweet potato on a bed of lettuce, cut in half and sprinkle with the feta and nuts and the triangles of grilled skin. Finally drizzle over the dressing and serve immediately